This project was shortlisted for The Helen Hamlyn Design 
Award 2021 - Fixperts Category.
Chloe, our fixpert's partner has nerve damage in her shoulder 
which is causing muscle deterioration in her right hand. 
 She finds the grip and pinch tasks difficult to action.

Meet Chloe in our video for this project.
Observed Chloe's interaction with products which she has around 
the house to assist her with everyday tasks.
Through various sketches and ideations for a pencil grip, a glove to aid 
her muscle strength and a clasp which could house keys and possibly a 
twist action to open bottles. 

Settling on the idea of the key and bottle opener, starting making various 
prototypes for Chloe to test, from foam models to hard materials.

  It was important for Chloe to feel comfortable with the size of the object 
and the materials too.  Ergonomically to feel 'right'.
Chloe testing a key lever, which houses the key.  The lever which 
Chloe would have in her palm of her hand whilst turning the key. 

 This adds leverage to the twist action and takes away the strain from 
her fingers during the task of unlocking the door.

Chloe liked the concept and the size, but mentioned that 
she would like to be able to use with different keys.
Back to the drawing board
 to rework the design to be able to use various keys.
Testing cardboard prototypes with Chloe first, which she found 
ergonomical and the haptic touch points to minimise physical discomfort 
whilst turning a key whilst unlocking doors.
Looking at materials, texture and colour.
EVA foam which gives grip, softness which covers the sharp edges of 
the hard material chosen.  Chloe liked muted colours.
Instruction booklet of how to make a key gripper yourself, including to 
scale template when printed on a A4 sheet of paper.

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